Friday, February 20, 2009

First Post!!

I made this as an alternative to a "music journal" which I always end up forgetting about and I'm pretty sure there's about 15 empty composition books under my bed at the moment. I figure Hey, I use the internet, and my musical thoughts aren't secretive so might as well publish them. I also made this as kind of an insight for my friends who don't know the musical side of me, and my Youtube fans who barely know anything about me. Well to start, I'm a pretty simple person. Pretty quiet to the outside world, but somewhat wild with friends. Music is my life, and no that is anything but the cliche that everybody says about themselves and its not true 99% of the time. I hate people like that. Music is my outlet of so many things, and they use it to be "cool". I have no desire to be cool, my worst fear is becoming cool in fact, and guess what? I'm not gonna be a washed up hag in 15 years. I have a very different taste in not only music, but in life, at least compared to todays' average dimwit teenagers. I love classic rock, and not just the music but in the members and the lifestyle. I love getting the full effect of things, leading to these so called "obsessions" that make my "friends" think I'm crazy. I'm really not, I just like to get to know people. I'll write more in the morning, it's 11:25 and I'm nearly dead from the week.